Collaizer 3.0 - Help

Collage lay-out

This work area is the main area to make the lay-out of your photo collage. It has several work items: on the top a number of buttons are available for layer management, on the right a series of art-work pictures are shown. By clicking on a button or an artwork button, the function is activated.

On the right a series of tabs is seen. These contain the several types of artwork from which you can create the collage layout.


Figure: The 'Design' ('Photo collage lay-out') work area

The layer controls

The top row of artwork buttons, from left to right:

The bottom row of artwork buttons, from left to right:

The shape and type selectors:

The paper size: select a paper size from the drop-down box. Typical photo sizes are possible, and paper sizes from (metric) A4 to A1. Please make sure you have A1 printing possibility before making any (very) large collage.

The collage artwork tabs

The artwork tabs. From left to right:

For artwork, frames and background, new folders can be conveniently be selected and added to the corresponding folders. Press the button (at the bottom of the application), e.g. 'Add frame'. A pop-up window is shown, from which you have to select the folder containing the new artwork, frame or backgrounds. When OK-ed, that folder is added to the corresponding folder. The artwork becomes available immediately. When you have also checked the option 'Copy the file to Collaizer when adding user artwork' in the Settings work area, also the files in the selected folder will actually be copied to the Collaizer artwork folder. No files are ever deleted or moved, just added or removed from the current overview in the application!

Warning: avoid to add large folders and/or large picture sizes to the artwork. When large folders are read or when large pictures (>5 MB) are to be added, it may take an inconveniently long time to wait until the picture browser on the right is filled with previews of each artwork picture. Also scrolling up and down may take (much) longer then normally. Instead, prepare a special folder with the artwork you would like to add; copy your own files in here, and then add this using the 'Add' button.

A final tab 'Projects' is used to load existing lay-outs or save new lay-outs. Simply drag and drop an existing project in the lay-out work area and that lay-out becomes active. All layers and artwork is exactly as it was done after saving.

Saving the project you are working on
The current collage layout can conveniently be saved as a project. press the button 'Save project' when you have the project tab active. The application will require a project name. After successful saving your project will appear as a thumbnail in the overview. A project consists of two files: the .xml file with all the relevant project data, and a .psd (photoshop format) file with the current layout with all the layers that are used. These .psd files can be opened in e.g. Photoshop to see your artwork. But editing this .psd file has no effect on the project!

When right-clicking on a project thumbnail in the overview a pop-up menu will appear: delete the current project or refresh the overview (in case you have manually edited this folder via the Windows Explorer). When deleting a project the corresponding files are also deleted from the projects folder.

Photos for the Artwork collage
In case you are creating an artwork collage the shape will disappear, and you can now also drag and drop photos from the photo tab into the work area. These photos can be moved, resized and rotated, just like any other layer of artwork. Also layer swapping (up, down) is possible.

Drag and drop the artwork
All artwork can be drag-and-dropped from the active tab to the work area. When dropped, a rectangle is visible to move, resize or rotate the artwork to match with the intended position and size.

To rotate the artwork, the CTRL key must be pressed first, while moving the mouse at a corner of the artwork. A rotation arrow becomes visible and the artwork can be rotated. Releasing the CTRL key will change the mouse pointer to resize and move. The rotation effect is permament and cannot be changed back (unless rotating back). Many rotation actions on the same layer might deteriorate the quality of the layer a bit. This effect is only temporary: it will be fully restored when the collage is generated.

By default the aspect ratio is kept intact when you resize. To override the aspect ratio press and keep the SHIFT button before you select and change the size of a layer artwork. The change is permanent, and cannot be set back to the correct aspect ratio. To correct, you must first delete the layer of that part, and then drag-drop the artwork again.

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